The recruiting Co-pilot to simplify hiring

Hiring's hard. Optimize your recruitment game with our AI powered co-pilot. Learn how organizations can analyze hundreds of applicants in under 1-minute.

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Discover why Blue Saturn is the #1 Recruiting engine for mid-size and large companies hiring at scale.

Effortless verification, unparalleled Insights

Gain access to a wealth of unprecedented insights that empower your decision-making process. Uncover a new standard of efficiency and intelligence in recruitment, where every detail matters.

1-click wizardry

Empower your process with just one click, diving into skills, education, and qualifications in seconds.

Semantic matching

Seamlessly link resumes, social profiles, and credentials with more than just a keyword match.

Integration mastery

Embed our co-pilot to any ATS workflow. No need to reinvent the wheel, just making it better.

Super recruiting

Now recruiters can feel empowered. Take control of the top of the funnel with question suggestions and assessments creation.

Efficient Recruitment

Unlocking Recruitment Excellence.

Your AI powered assistant to streamline your top of funnel

Unlocking Recruitment Excellence. Your AI powered assistant to streamline your top of funnel

Instantly verify candidates per your job's requirements

Review, analyze, and stack rank hundreds of candidates in under a minute. Hours long tasks done in seconds.

Get a full analysis of matchesand comprehensive reporting on verified candidates

Get a clear picture of every applicant through unique insights and reporting that helps you save hours of research.

Tailor made interview kits

Receive candidate specific interview questions, what to look for, and other specifications through our 1-click interview suggester.

Integration mastery

Seamless Integration.Elevate your workflow instantly by integrating our copilot with any major ATS

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